Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Matching wine with Pork.

For anyone with even a slight musing of food and wine matching understands there is a very basic and very generalized guideline to it regarding meats, at least in my opinion a few examples include:

Beef = Shiraz/Shiraz Cabernet/Cabernet Sauvignon
Lamb = Merlot/Cabernet Merlot
Chicken = Classic Dry White, Chardonnay, Semillion, Riesling
Seafood = Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio
Duck = Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Alternative Whites
Game (rabbit, quail etc.) = Pinot Noir, Alternative Whites and Reds

But what about Pork?

Out at dinner I've been asked this question by a friend,

"What wine would you match with Pork?"

My answer was, well, I didn't have one. I was actually stuck and could not pick a suitable wine to match. At first I thought Riesling because of it's fresh lime and mineral characteristics but then as I scooped a dollop of apple sauce onto my barbecued pork fillet, it occurred to me:


Cider would be a perfect match with Pork! So I went to the bar within the pub and ordered a Bulmer's Cider with ice and gave it a go. It was perfect. So the next time you have a pork dish, ditch the wine and go for the Cider instead! You won't be disappointed. Some Ciders I recommend and serve all in a big glass with plenty of ice:

Bulmer's Apple Cider (Around $5 a bottle).
Rekorderlig Strawberry and Lime Pear Cider (Around $7 a bottle).
Monteith's crushed Apple Cider (Around $4 a bottle)

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