Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Organic Wine

Organic wine is a bit of an interesting animal isn't it? Everytime I ask someone what they believe an Organic wine should be, the answer is varied. What do you think an Organic wine should be? What does it even mean? Some answers I have received from people include;

- Vegan friendly.
- No preservatives at all.
- Made in a process that is friendly to the environment.
- No fining agents used.

All are valid answers, however there is nothing that really defines it, so this can lead some buyers astray. For instance, some Organic wines may be preservative free, however they still contain fining agents such as milk, fish and egg so someone that is allergic to these products would be affected by the product still despite buying what they believed was 'Organic' in their mind.

With that said, the wines below are truly vegan friendly:

Angoves Organic Shiraz Cabernet ($15)

Angoves Organic Chardonnay ($15)

Fresita Strawberry Sparkling ($16 approx)

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