Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wine varietal pronunciation.

Get your pronunciation right with the following varietals and impress your friends out at dinner when ordering from the wine list to the waiter (even if you don't know what it is you are ordering you can still do it in style like as if you know what you are doing). I've picked some popular varietals you will commonly find on a wine list:

Chardonnay (Shard-don-aye)
Sauvignon Blanc (Saw-vin-yong Blonc)
Riesling (Ree-sling)
Verdelho (Ver-del-oh)
Semillion (Sem-ion)
Borytis (Boh-try-tiss)
Vermentino (Ver-men-tee-no)
Moscato (Moss-ca-toe)
Shiraz (Sher-razz)
Cabernet (Cab-er-ney)
Malbec (Mal-bec)
Lambrusco (Lamb-brus-co)
Merlot (Mer-low)
Tempranillo (Tem-prah-knee-yo)
Champagne (Sham-payne)
Pinot (Pea-know)
Noir (Nw-ah)
Cuvee (Que-vey)
Brut (Broot)

And finally, a product that is always suffering from misunderstood pronunciation:

Moet! It's not Moey! It's Moe-ette! Thanks.

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