Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to pour Champagne correctly.

Impress your friends at your next party with displaying the correct way to open that nice bottle of Champagne:

1.) Undo the top which will reveal the wiring - it is there for a reason! It is there for your safety so the cork doesn't pop up due to the high pressure of the contents.

2.) Leave the wiring on the top of the cork. Grasp the top of the bottle with one hand and cup the bottom of the bottle with your other hand. Twist the bottle using your hand underneath and keep your other hand around the cork still as you twist. The result should be that the cork doesn't let a popping sound occur however a gentle fizzing sound should happen instead.

3.) Take off the wiring and cork, take a glass by the stem and begin to pour slowly at an angle to about three quarters of the glass full. The glassware should always be tulip glasses. Never pour the contents into a glass on a table as this will cause the bubbles to froth excessively and overflow.

The result of this is you have a beautiful glass of bubbly with all the fizz intact.

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