Thursday, April 28, 2011

A mistake people make cooking with wine.

Wine in cooking is generally an after thought. "Cooking wine will do" is often what you will hear. Well, if you have spent the time and money buying good quality ingredients, then why would you skimp on this ingredient too?

I recommend spending at most $10 on a bottle. You will taste the difference compared to a $3 blend. Cleanskins are a bit like Roulette though they are cheaper (Excellent ones can be found for $6 each), keep trying different ones until you hit a winner then buy up on it before supplier changes on that particular label. Ask the person at the bottle shop what wine would match the meal you are cooking. If they are good and are able to steer you onto the right path, stick with them! Pretty simple.

If you want to really compliment the meal, have a glass of the wine that you cooked with the meal. Try it.

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